Health and Safety


Volleyball BC ia proud to introduce their new Safe Sport Handbook that covers topics such as

  • our Code of Conduct and what it means for you.
  • how to report behaviour that is not in line with our Code of Conduct.
  • what does appropriate and inappropriate behaviour look like in volleyball?
  • screening and education requirements for leaders in volleyball.
  • resources and support services

Safesport Handbook


If a player sustains an injury during game or practice time, they should receive support/care, and the injury needs to be documented  using Volleyball BC’s injury/incident report form, which should be submitted to VVA Health and Safety Director.
This information is held in the VVA health and safety files.
The injury is also reported to Volleyball BC, as they are gathering anonymous information in an effort to understand and improve injury rates under the SafeSport Initiative.
**If an athlete has sustained an injury outside of volleyball, it should still be reported to the coach so as to modify practice/play appropriately.
A significant injury may require a medical letter documenting that the player is safe to return to play.

Injury/Incident Reporting Form


If a player sustains a head injury and suspected concussion during practice or game play, the player must stop activity and the coach and player should follow the CATT concussion pathway and act accordingly.

The coach should report the concussion to the VVA Health and Safety Director, who will hold onto that information. The information will also be shared anonymously with Volleyball BC, as part of the SafeSport initiative.

Concussion reporting form

**If a player sustains a concussion outside of volleyball, this needs to be reported to their coach, and the return to sport guidelines followed.

To return to participation after a concussion, an athlete must provide a medical letter indicating that they have been cleared to return to play.

Sample return to play letter (page 31): )